. . . Whoops! Never Mind!


from: The Heritage Foundation, April 22, 2012
“We’re Killing the Planet . . . Whoops! Never Mind!”
Recorded by: Ernest Istook

Five years ago, best-selling author James Lovelock wrote the following about global warming:

global warming, the planet, killing the planet, seven50, climate change, earth, mother earth

Earth Western Hemisphere

Here’s what Lovelock says now:

“Before this century is over billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable.”


Here’s what Lovelock says now:

“We don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books – mine included. . . .

“We were supposed to be halfway toward a frying world now. . . .

“All right, I made a mistake.”


Lovelock and others have been selling junk science. It’s a pretty flimsy reason to restrict fossil fuels, spend billions on green energy, and require an extreme makeover of how we live.

Sure, now they can say, “Oops!,” but you and I are paying a big price for that.


Download the recording here.


A Carbon Tax is Even More Useless

Congress should be proactive in addressing climate change, but only by categorically rejecting the idea of a carbon tax and removing the ability of the EPA and any other federal agency to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.


from: The Heritage Foundation – The Foundry,  April 18, 2013 at 3:00 pm
“With Climate Change Science Unsettled, a Carbon Tax is Even More Useless”
By Nicolas Loris

EPA, greenhouse gases, CO2, carbon, Seven50, AGW, anthropogenic global warming, global warming, climate change

US Environmental Protection Agency

Scientists are struggling to explain a slowdown in climate change that has exposed gaps in their understanding and defies a rise in global greenhouse gas emissions.

Often focused on century-long trends, most climate models failed to predict that the temperature rise would slow, starting around 2000. Scientists are now intent on figuring out the causes and determining whether the respite will be brief or a more lasting phenomenon.


Theories for the pause include that deep oceans have taken up more heat with the result that the surface is cooler than expected, that industrial pollution in Asia or clouds are blocking the sun, or that greenhouse gases trap less heat than previously believed.

The change may be a result of an observed decline in heat-trapping water vapor in the high atmosphere, for unknown reasons. It could be a combination of factors or some as yet unknown natural variations, scientists say.

Read the full article here.


Cure Worse than the Disease

Warming of the world may have economic costs that exceed benefits, but cutting CO2 emissions will not necessarily improve matters. Warming alone may have net negative impacts. However, warming caused by human activity cannot be divorced from the benefits that human activity generates. Cutting CO2 emissions will have clear economic costs.


from: The Heritage Foundation, May 28, 2013
Research Report: Backgrounder #2802 on Energy and Environment
By David W. Kreutzer, Ph.D.

cure worse than disease, Seven50, global warming, climate change, regionalism

Cure Worse than Disease

Adopting carbon restrictions of the magnitude mandated by the Lieberman–Warner and Waxman–Markey cap-and-trade bills or the Boxer–Sanders carbon-tax bill would harm the U.S. and global economies. By 2100, the global economy would lose more than $100 trillion. Analysis suggests that countries with stronger economies can overcome the challenges posed by warming. Indeed, faster growth would insulate the economy from the negative impacts of global warming.

How would adopting a global-warming policy affect world income?

1).  Carbon-restricting policies of the magnitude set out by the various cap-and-trade bills and recent carbon-tax proposals would impose costs on the world economy that exceed benefits by more than $100 trillion by the end of this century.

2).  Extending the carbon policy to all major developed countries would only increase the overall negative impact on the world economy, leading to net losses of nearly $400 trillion by 2100.

3).  Carbon-restricting policies would harm future generations more than the current generation. The annual net impact in the final two decades of this century would be 200 times larger than in the first two decades of the policy, even after adjusting for inflation.


Read the full report here.


Seven50 Link to Global Warming Lie

Some of you, like me, may remember in 2010 when it became common knowledge when some of the scientists working on the global warming theory, admitted they had cooked the numbers.   It was all well and good when I read that in 2010 but I still wanted to know more.  Last month my feelings were validated when the following report came out::

World’s top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just QUARTER what we thought – and computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong.

global warming, climate change, seven50 plan, computer climate analysis, IPCC, UNEPA leaked copy of the world’s most authoritative climate study reveals scientific forecasts of imminent doom were drastically wrong.

The Mail on Sunday has obtained the final draft of a report to be published later this month by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the ultimate watchdog whose massive, six-yearly ‘assessments’ are accepted by environmentalists, politicians and experts as the gospel of climate science.

They are cited worldwide to justify swingeing fossil fuel taxes and subsidies for ‘renewable’ energy.

Yet the leaked report makes the extraordinary concession that over the past 15 years, recorded world temperatures have increased at only a quarter of the rate of IPCC claimed when it published its last assessment in 2007.

Back then, it said observed warming over the 15 years from 1990-2005 had taken place at a rate of 0.2C per decade, and it predicted this would continue for the following 20 years, on the basis of forecasts made by computer climate models.

But the new report says the observed warming over the more recent 15 years to 2012 was just 0.05C per decade – below almost all computer predictions.

Nevertheless, the IPCC now maintains, again on the basis of the models, that by 2035, the world will have warmed by a further 0.4C-1.0C.

The 31-page ‘summary for policymakers’ is based on a more technical 2,000-page analysis which will be issued at the same time. It also surprisingly reveals: IPCC scientists accept their forecast computers may have exaggerated the effect of increased carbon emissions on world temperatures  – and not taken enough notice of natural variability.


NASA Scientist John L. Casey writes about Climate Change.

Climate change has been a perplexing problem for years. In Cold Sun, author John L. Casey, a former White House national space policy advisor, N.A.S.A. headquarters consultant, and space shuttle engineer tells the truth about ominous changes taking place in the climate and the Sun. Casey’s research into the Sun’s activity, which began four years ago, resulted in discovery of a solar cycle that is now reversing from its global warming phase to that of dangerous global cooling for the next thirty years or more.

Cold SunThis new cold climate will dramatically impact the world’s citizens. In Cold Sun, he provides evidence of the following: • The end of global warming • The beginning of a “solar hibernation,” a historic reduction in the energy output of the Sun • A long-term drop in the Earth’s temperatures • The start of the next climate change to decades of dangerously cold weather • The high probability of record earthquakes and volcanic eruptions A sobering look at the Earth’s future, Cold Sun predicts worldwide, crop-destroying cold; food shortages and riots in the United States and abroad; significant global loss of life; and social, political, and economic upheaval.

The book Cold Sun is available from Amazon.

For more by John Casey Download the Press Release from Mr. Casey company Space and Science Research Corporation of August 5, 2013 in which he explains that the Global Sea Level Rise is Ending.



NASA Scientist John L. Casey writes about Climate Change

I was so pleased to hear the truth about climate change and global warming from John L. Casey, chief scientist at Space and Science Research Corporation when he spoke in West Palm Beach at the Convention Center in June of 2013.    He told us that global warming and cooling is a solar cycle and we are now entering a cooling period.   When the oceans cool, water contracts and seas recede, which means that Seven50 is predicating much of its planning and designs and costs on faulty science.

Climate change has been a perplexing problem for years. In Cold Sun, climate change, john casey, global warmingauthor John L. Casey, a former White House national space policy advisor, N.A.S.A. headquarters consultant, and space shuttle engineer tells the truth about ominous changes taking place in the climate and the Sun. Casey’s research into the Sun’s activity, which began four years ago, resulted in discovery of a solar cycle that is now reversing from its global warming phase to that of dangerous global cooling for the next thirty years or more.

This new cold climate will dramatically impact the world’s citizens. In Cold Sun, he provides evidence of the following: • The end of global warming • The beginning of a “solar hibernation,” a historic reduction in the energy output of the Sun • A long-term drop in the Earth’s temperatures • The start of the next climate change to decades of dangerously cold weather • The high probability of record earthquakes and volcanic eruptions A sobering look at the Earth’s future, Cold Sun predicts worldwide, crop-destroying cold; food shortages and riots in the United States and abroad; significant global loss of life; and social, political, and economic upheaval.

Mr. Casey’s book Cold Sun is available from Amazon, and is an easy read intended for the average person.


For more information from John Casey Download this Press Release from Mr. Casey’s company Space and Science Research Corporation of August 5, 2013 in which he explains that the Global Sea Level Rise is Ending.


Since there is widespread use of quotes and comments supporting the popular message that the global warming will have catastrophic implications for our planet, we thought it necessary to counter that message with an in-depth technical analysis of where the climate science really stands today.    NASA, Climate study, global warming, seven50

This article is the result of a group of scientists at NASA who organized themselves as The Right Climate Stuff (TRSC) research team and came together to study published climate research and available significant data to form an independent, objective assessment regarding the alarming and controversial claims of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (AGW).    I’m sure you can already see that the following article, the result of the TRSC research, is not intended for the faint of heart.

In this 21 page report the team poses the question

“To what extent can human-related releases of CO2 into the atmosphere cause earth surface temperature increases that would have harmful effects?”

Their conclusions, and I quote from the Anthropogenic Global Warming Science Assessment Report, dated April 2013, as follows:

With respect to this topic, our bullet point conclusions are:


  • Carbon-based AGW science is not settled. This refers only to the Carbon or CO2 role ininduced warming
  • Natural processes dominate climate change (although many are poorly understood)
  • Non-Carbon-based AGW anthropogenic forcings are significant. These include land use change,Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, black carbon,and aerosols.
  • Carbon-based AGW impact appears to be muted.Other sources are not necessarily muted; the impacts of changing solar activity, El Nino/La Nina-southern oscillation (ENSO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), black carbon, etc. are observable
  • Empirical evidence for Carbon-based AGW does not support catastrophe.


For all of you with a technical side, you can read the document in its entirety right here.